January 4, 2013

Warm Headband


Knit Headband
Size 6 needles

**Slip first stitch in each row**

Cast on 7 stitches
Row 1: K, P, K till end of row
Row 2: P, K, P till end of row
Row 3,4: continue in rib pattern

Increase Rows:
Row 5: K, P, K, M1B, M1F, P, K, P, K (9 sts)
Row 6, 7, 8: Continue in rib pattern
Row 9: K, P, K, P, K, P, M1F, M1B, K, P, K (11 sts)
Row 10, 11, 12: Continue in rib pattern
Row 13: K, P, K, P, K, M1B, M1F, P, K, P, K, P, K (13 sts)
Row 14, 15, 16: Continue in rib pattern
Row 17: K, P, K, P, K, P, K, P, M1F, M1B, K, P, K, P, K (15 sts)
Row 18, 19, 20: Continue in rib pattern
Row 21: K, P, K, P, K, P, K, M1B, M1F, P, K, P, K, P, K, P, K (17 sts)
Row 22, 23, 24: Continue in rib pattern
Row 25: K, P, K, P, K, P, K, P, K, P, M1F, M1B, K, P, K, P, K, P, K 
            (19 sts)
Row 26, 27, 28: Continue in rib pattern
Row 29: K, P, K, P, K, P, K, P, K, M1B, M1F, P, K, P, K, P, K, P, K, 
             P, K (21 sts)
Row 30, 31, 32: Continue in rib pattern
Row 33: K, P, K, P, K, P, K, P, K, P, K, P, M1F, M1B, K, P, K, P, K, P, 
             K, P, K (23 sts)

Continue in rib pattern for 6-7 inches. (Depends on the total length you need the headband to be.)

Decrease Rows:
Row 1: K, P, K, P, K, P, K, P, K, P2tog, K2tog, P, K, P, K, P, K, P, K, 
           P, K (21 sts)
Row 2, 3, 4: Continue in rib pattern
Row 5: K, P, K, P, K, P, K, P, K, P, K2tog, P2tog, K, P, K, P, K, P, K 
           (19 sts)
Row 6, 7, 8: Continue in rib pattern
Row 9: K, P, K, P, K, P, K, P2tog, K2tog, P, K, P, K, P, K, P, K (17 sts)
Row 10, 11, 12: Continue in rib pattern
Row 13: K, P, K, P, K, P, K, P, K2tog, P2tog, K, P, K, P, K (15 sts)
Row 14, 15, 16: Continue in rib pattern
Row 17: K, P, K, P, K, P2tog, K2tog, P, K, P, K, P, K (13 sts)
Row 18, 19, 20: Continue in rib pattern
Row 21: K, P, K, P, K, P, K2tog, P2tog, K, P, K (11 sts)
Row 22, 23, 24: Continue in rib pattern
Row 25: K, P, K, P2tog, K2tog, P, K, P, K (9 sts)
Row 26: Continue in rib pattern
Row 27: Slip first stitch (as if to knit), P, K, P, yo, P2tog, K, P, K 
Row 28: Continue in rib pattern
Row 29: K, P, K, P, K2tog, P2tog, K (7 sts)
Row 30: Continue in rib pattern
Row 31: Slip first stitch (as if to knit), P, K, yo, K2tog, K, P 
Row 32, 33, 34, 35: Continue in rib pattern
Bind off

Finishing Touches
- Attach flower (optional)
- Attach button

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